Anti-Wrinkle and Botox Injections
in Norwich
Anti-Wrinkle and Botox Injections in Norwich
Anti-wrinkle in Norwich and Botox
in Norwich.
Botox is used for cosmetic purposes to smooth or soften the fine lines and wrinkles caused by facial expressions, as well as for medical purposes in reducing certain nerve impulse problems, including spasticity and clenching of muscles.
Controlled amounts of Botox are directly injected into the muscles to weaken them temporarily. The mechanism of the toxin causes temporary muscle paralysis by stopping the neurotransmitter from reaching the motor nerve terminal. This stops the muscle contraction which in turn cause wrinkles to relax and skin to soften, creating a more youthful appearance.
Results are noticeable from 3-14 days after treatment, and last an average of 3-4 months.
Botox can be used on the following areas:
1. Frown lines
2. Forehead
3. Crows Feet
4. Brow Lift
5. Bunny Lines
6. Under Eye Fine Lines
7. Downturned Smile Lift
8. Pebbled/Dimpled Chin
9. Lip Flip/Gummy Smile/Smokers Lines
10. Nose Slimming/Nose Lift
11. Masseter/Jaw Slimming (for bruxism/clenching/TMJ)
12. Nefertiti Neck/Jowl Tightening

Anti Wrinkle injections in Norwich

Botox injections in Norwich
How Does Anti-Wrinkle/Botox work?
Because of the way our muscles work in the face, we have to treat multiple areas together. Whilst I do offer to treat just one area on its own, it has a knock-off effect on other areas and isn't as effective. Second, you leave the untreated areas to eventually wrinkle - and once those wrinkles appear, you often can't eliminate them. Prevention is always better than the cure.
Very simply, we have 2 types of muscles on our face - elevator muscles and depressor muscles.
Elevator muscles lift up and depressor muscles pull down.
These 2 types of muscle work in synergy with each other as one acts a 'push' and the other a 'pull'.
This means that if we inject toxin into a depressor muscle (pulling down muscle), it will paralyse that muscle allowing the elevator muscle to lift.
If we inject into an elevator muscle (lifting muscle), then the depressor muscle will have free rein to drop/pull down.
If we are clever and strategic as to where we inject the toxin, we can manipulate this process of allowing certain muscles to lift, and others to pull down. This is why ideally, we cannot just inject in 1 area.
So by injecting into both the forehead (frontalis) and eye area (orbicularis oculi), we can allow the forehead to lift giving us a little brow lift; which will give a more youthful and rested look.
It will also smooth out the eye muscle; thus eliminating the crows feet!

Anti-Wrinkle and Botox injections in Norwich
What Areas Can I Have Injected with Botox?
Botulinum toxin administration stands as the focal point of my professional expertise, reflecting a pronounced commitment and specialised pursuit. Among the procedures offered at my clinic, botulinum toxin is the most sought after and what we do most in clinic.
This distinction sets me apart from my counterparts in Norwich. I adopt an inclusive approach by encompassing various facial areas within a singular comprehensive fee structure.
For instance, even if you opt for the standard "3 areas" treatment encompassing the frown lines, forehead, and crow's feet, I extend my service to incorporate the lower face if deemed beneficial.
This supplementary enhancement is provided without charge, subject to the availability of residual toxin quantities, with the overarching goal of optimising your aesthetic outcome as a whole.

Botox injections in Norwich

Anti-Wrinkle and Botox injections in Norwich
Once I open up a vial of toxin, that toxin is yours, so we may as well use it all up the best we can, otherwise it gets wasted.
If for example you have a bit of a gummy smile (where your top lip disappears when you smile), we can relax that muscle with toxin so your lip covers your gums when you smile.
I can offer those clients who have had lip filler, a 'lip flip' - which is where the top lip is pushed up and out a little more to compliment the filler.
The platysma bands that run up your neck and grip onto the jawline, get a bit slack as we age and this tends to pull down the jowl - not something anyone wants!
By injecting this area, we can tighten the jawline helping to pull it back making us look younger, fresher and more youthful!
Packages & Prices
My standard treatment plan:
3 Areas - Ladies (frown, forehead, crows feet) - £250
As well as the following areas, complimentary*:
Brow Lift
Bunny Lines
Under Eye Fine Lines
Downturned Smile Lift
Pebbled/Dimpled Chin
Lip Flip/Gummy Smile/Smokers Lines
Nose Slimming/Nose Lift
Nefertiti Neck/Jowl Tightening
*You will not receive all of the above - only if necessary and there is enough product left depending on the amount used for the upper face.
1 Area - Ladies (frown OR crows feet) - £200
2 Areas - Ladies (frown & forehead OR frown & crows feet) - £225
Mens toxin treatment (2 or 3 areas) - £300
Masseter (teeth grinding/TMJ) - £250
Underarm Sweating (hyperhidrosis) - £250
Full Nefertiti Neck & Jowl Lift - £250
Why Inject Other Areas of the Face with Botox?
We all know about injecting toxin into the 3 main areas of the face; frown, forehead and crows feet, but what about the other areas of the face?
Why would we need to inject anywhere else?
What does injecting toxin into those areas do to our face and overall look?
Below explains the other areas of the face that I can inject as complimentary and part of your standard botox treatment plan, why it can help you and what it will achieve for you:

Botox injections in Norwich
4. Brow Lift - toxin placed here will help lift the brows - which is something we all want! Whilst it will not elevate your brows a significant amount, it will lift and improve your overall freshness and make you look more lifted and awake.
5. Bunny Lines - these are wrinkles that appear on the bridge and side of the nose. The lines often become more prominent when smiling and can convey a false appearance of distaste. A couple of injections in the nasalis muscle will stop lines forming here.
6. Under Eye Fine Lines - we can use toxin to nicely smooth and help eradicate these under eye lines that wta start to get with age. The effect is really lovely and smooth when done well.
7. Downturned Smile Lift - these are the muscles that are just either side of the chin (depressor angularis oris/DAO).
By injecting in this muscle, it will help lift the jowl area as this muscle wants to pull down on the jowl and also the corners of the mouth.
8. Pebbled/Dimpled Chin - as we age, the chin muscle (mentalis) curls up. By injecting toxin, it relaxes the muscle and pulls it down a little; which is more pleasing and prevents the dimpling in the skin we often see.
9. Lip Flip/Gummy Smile/Smokers Lines - as we age, the upper lip wants to curl under which causes it to disappear. Toxin placed in the lips, pops and flips the upper lip out and looks amazing with clients who have had lip fillers! You can have this if you are mature, or younger to give the illusion of a bigger, fuller lip.
Gummy Smile: If, when you smile your top lip folds up and under exposing your teeth, we can greatly reduce this with a few key injections above the lip. Particularly useful if you are planning on have lip fillers as more of your lip skin will be present; yielding a better result.
Smokers Lines: A few simple injections in the upper lip will stop the lips from pursing in (as you do when smoking) and it is this movement which causes those little vertical lines to form on the upper lip.
10. Nose Slimming/Nose Lift - By carefully injecting into the wings of the nose, we can temporarily reduce the action of the nostril - which gives a slimming effect due to the reduced muscle movement and a quick injection in the bottom of the nose, will help lift it!
11. Masseter/Jaw Slimming - perfect for those who suffer with teeth grinding, or clenching (TMJ) and have a lot of jaw pain and headaches as an unwanted side effect. Injecting in the masseter muscle will greatly relieve this tension and pain and can even slim the face if the muscles are well, or over developed!
12. Nefertiti Neck/Jowl Tightening - injections in the platysma hand will tighten the jowl. The platysma hand is also a depressor muscle and that pulls down on our jawline.